It has a customized capability for boot and recovery procedure. 可以针对启动和恢复过程进行定制。
With any treatment, postoperative recovery depends not only on the procedure, but also on the aftercare. 对于任何一种治疗,手术后的恢复不仅靠手术本身成功与否,还要靠手术后的照料。
The effect of early combined nutritional support on postoperative recovery in patients undergoing procedure for carcinoma of head of pancreas complicated by obstructive jaundice 术后早期联合营养对并发梗阻性黄疸胰头癌病人影响
In these circumstances, a password recovery procedure must be followed. 在这些情况下,就必须采用密码复原程序。
Recovery of indirect procedure call for static binary translation 静态二进制翻译中间接过程调用恢复技术研究
Solvent recovery from vent gas is the important procedure of reducing slovent loss in extraction plant. 尾气中溶剂的回收是浸出油厂降低溶剂消耗的重要环节之一。
Examination of the recovery of each step in this procedure indicates that the main recovery-limited step of low-turbidity ( 1 NTU) water is concentration, while that of high-turbidity ( 4 NTU) water is IMS. 进一步的研究表明,浓缩是限制低浊水(浊度约1NTU)回收率的主要步骤,而IMS是限制高浊水(浊度约4NTU)回收率的主要步骤。
Security technique and recovery procedure for IDMS data base IDMS数据库的安全技术与恢复过程
Studies on the precipitation recovery procedure of platium from spent catalyst 沉淀法废催化剂中铂回收工艺的研究
For evaluating the performance of the protocol, the processing and recovery procedure delays in the node and end-system are quantitated accurately through the Passion theory on the basis of modeling the protocol communication in this paper. Then the transport delay calculating formula is presented. 为了评价协议的性能,论文在建立协议传输模型的基础上,基于泊松理论,精确地量化了节点和端系统的处理延迟以及修复过程延迟,导出了其传输延迟的计算公式。
The record of Chinese Digital Seismograph Network ( CDSN) is used as an example to demonstrate the method of recovery of the ground motion and correction procedure. 以中国数字地震台网(CDSN)的宽频带记录为例,介绍了恢复地面运动参数、校正处理的方法。
The methods used as well as the time needed in the recovery procedure of heavy loaded devices often become the key to the availability of the whole system. 服务器中高强度运转设备的故障恢复周期和维修方式,往往成为提高系统整体可用性的关键。
During the study of recovery vegetation and vegetation choice, I study the project procedure and the technical point in the tailing-dam field. 在进行植被选择和复垦的研究中,得出了对尾矿坝进行复垦的工程步骤和技术要点。
Clinical study of the simple and easy recovery procedure in early treatment of acute brain stroke 民事简易程序新论简易康复程序在急性脑卒中早期治疗中的应用
Conclusion: Compared with traditional operations, this method has the advantage of less trauma, rapid recovery, simple procedure and reliable efficacy, so it is worthy to popularize. 结论应用微创疝囊缝扎器械盒治疗小儿腹股沟斜疝与常用手术方法相比,具有创伤更小、恢复更快、手术操作简单、效果可靠等优点,值得临床推广应用。
The observed recovery is 96& 112% by standard addition procedure and the average relative deviation of eigh synthetic samples is 7.7%. 标准加入法的回收率达96&112%,一个合成水样八次平行测定结果的相对标准偏差为7.7%。
After assuring the slope stability, we study the vegetation choice and the recovery vegetation, derive the project procedure and the technical key of recovery vegetation in the tailing-dam. 在边坡稳定性得到保证之后,对边坡的植被选择和复垦技术进行了研究,得出了进行尾矿坝复垦的工程步骤和技术要点。
The implementation methods based on Walsh conversion is given, and the effectiveness of this method is proved by tertiary oil recovery procedure simulation in oil field development. 给出了基于Walsh变换的实现方法,并以油田开发驱替采油过程模拟为例验证了方法的有效性。
The recovery of indirect procedure call is a difficult problem in static binary translation. 间接过程调用的恢复问题是静态二进制翻译中的难点之一。
Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Sulfur Recovery Procedure Gas 硫磺回收过程气的气相色谱分析
But because of the elasticity recovery of metal in rolling manufacturing procedure, the gear form and precision of the spline are influenced. 但是在冷滚轧加工过程中,金属的弹性恢复对花键的最终尺寸精度以及齿形质量有一定的影响。
To improve the recovery, the standards were treated by the same procedure with sample. 将标准物质与样品进行同样程序的处理,可使回收率进一步提高至96%以上。
Results Patients in group P had more dosage of propofol of induction and had longer recovery procedure than that in group F. 结果术中异丙酚总用量P组明显高于F组,诱导苏醒时间F组也少于P组。
The recovery of neptunium of the whole analysis procedure is more than 80% and the decontamination factor of uranium is more than 1 × 10 6. This scheme is successfully used in the analysis of neptunium in aqueous uranium product of bench scale experiment. 结果表明,全程Np的回收率80%,对U的去污因子DF1×106。用该法成功地测定了后处理流程台架温实验水相铀产品中237Np的含量。
Objective To observe the early treatment effect of simple and easy recovery procedure ( SERP) for acute brain stroke. 目的观察简易康复程序对急性脑卒中患者早期治疗的近期疗效。
This part is mainly to define the concept of procedure for hastening debt recovery and to analyse the characters of the procedure. 该部分主要是界定督促程序的概念与厘清督促程序的性质。
The first part introduces corrupt the basic theory of assets recover mechanism including corruption means recovery of assets, the value of corruption assets recovery, the basic procedure of assets recover corruption and dilemmas. 其中,第一部分介绍了腐败资产追回机制的基础理论,包括腐败资产追回的含义,阻碍腐败资产追回的因素以及腐败资产追回的价值。